June Duffy
Managing Director, The Coaching and Mentoring Partnership
BA (Psych), MA (Org. Psych.), MA (Tavistock), FCIPD (Fellow of Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, MPSI (Psychological Society of Ireland), MAC (Member Institute of Coaching).
June Duffy is the founder and managing partner of The Coaching and Mentoring Partnership. With a background in organizational psychology, June has spent 25 years in the leadership development arena – helping managers and leaders to realise their potential and to deliver on their organisation’s strategic challenges. Since establishing her consultancy practice in 2005, June has worked with a variety of organisations in the private and public sector in the areas of strategic change, organisational and leadership development and executive coaching.
She is part of the Google, Microsoft, Senior Public Servants and Central Bank of Ireland coaching teams. She was part of Diageo’s Executive Coaching faculty, having been selected from a pool of 700 coaches worldwide. June also runs a diploma programme where she provides leaders with skills in business and leadership coaching. June’s other coaching clients come from companies such as – Accenture, AIB, Air Contractors Limited, Beaumont Hospital, Coke-Cola, Deloitte, Irish Life, NTMA, Pioneer Investments, PwC, Temple Street Children’s Hospital, Safefood Ireland and various Government Departments.